Did you know Allswage is experienced at Mobile Shop Van Conversions, as well as Service Van Conversions?
One of the best parts of our latest mobile shop van conversion is that it’s full of power tools. Allswage love ensuring your tools are protected, safe and perform brilliantly, wherever you need them too!
Van racking. Van storage. Van conversions.
For this mobile shop we’ve used long-lasting System Edström racking.
Our design team has created a large display area for tools, as well as utilising the dead space with pegboard. The owner can now hang-up even more stock.
Excitingly, in this mobile shop van conversion, there is over 6.5m of power-saving LED’s. So, the mobile shop lights up like a Christmas tree!
On the road and want to make a great impression?
Trust to our 35 years experience converting vans.